A Letter from Laura García and Dr. Nisha Owen
Dear Global Greengrants Fund community,
We stand at the cusp of great opportunity. The climate crisis is not just a problem to be solved, but an opportunity to build a new way of being in this world, one that honors the preciousness and interconnectedness of life. This year, we witnessed the collective power of grassroots-led environmental action, from holding corporations accountable for environmental harm in Peru, to advocating for Indigenous Maasai land rights in Kenya.
Our community of grantmaking advisors, staff, donors, and frontline groups are an essential part of this journey. Together, in 2022, we made our highest number of annual grants ever, 1,239 grants totaling nearly $16M. Our participatory grantmaking network of more than 215 advisors located around the world ensures that our grantmaking is grounded in the leadership and needs of grassroots environmental justice movements.
As we strengthen our partnerships with environmental movements, we are also reflecting on our role in relation to movements, money, and power. This year we embarked on a Transformational Journey to more deeply align our organizational structures and culture with our grassroots feminist values and mission. We launched a network-wide Strategic Journey and global learning initiative to become more responsive to emerging opportunities and create a more effective and resilient field of grassroots environmental justice funding. Our ecosystem vision influences the philanthropic community by fostering a community of allied organizations that share resources and advocate for sustainable support of grassroots movements.
This year, we acknowledge our gratitude for the incredible work of Eva Rehse, Global Greengrants Fund UK's first Executive Director, who played a pivotal role in setting up the UK charity. Eva has moved to a new role as Director of Strategy and Global Integration at Global Greengrants, where her vision continues to be instrumental in building a strong foundation for our success. We are also grateful to Greg Hilditch, who steered Global Greengrants UK as the interim Executive Director, and whose commitment and efforts in building partnerships have been instrumental in driving our mission forward. We appreciate all our staff here at Global Greengrants, who embody our values, vision, and mission. Their dedication, expertise, and collective efforts enable us to make a meaningful impact in the world.
Transformation through collective action is healing. The vitality of our planet hinges on the well-being of local ecosystems everywhere. Together, we can shift power to the global grassroots and build a future that honors all life. Thank you to all in our community for your continued support in making this vision a reality.
In solidarity,
Laura García
President and CEO,
Global Greengrants Fund
Dr. Nisha Owen
Executive Director,
Global Greengrants Fund UK

Connecting Resources and Movements
2022 Total Grantmaking*
Total granted
2022 Grantmaking by Issue Area***
*Unless specified as UK-specific statistics, all grantmaking numbers include Global Greengrants Fund UK, donor-advised funds (DAFs), regional partner funds, and our fiscal sponsorships, in addition to our general grantmaking.
**Global Greengrants Fund is made up of two organizations based in the US and the UK. The two organizations share a grantmaking program and collaborate strategically at the senior leadership level, while reaching a broader donor audience. This inspiring partnership speaks to the power of collaboration and more decentralized decision-making. All UK numbers are also included in the overall numbers.
***There is overlap between issue areas, as some groups’ activities fall into multiple categories.

Credits (L to R): Central de Rondas Campesinas de la Microcuenca Inkas Vivientes and Initiative for Coastal Development
Building Grassroots Power: Decentralized Grantmaking
Global Greengrants Fund makes grants to grassroots groups in the Global South working at the intersection of human rights and environmental justice. Our grantmaking decisions are made by a network of over 215 activists and expert advisors located in the countries where we grant. They deliver knowledge of context and first-hand expertise, connecting our resources to local solutions that promote environmental justice. This nimble, time-honored and trust-based decentralized grantmaking model has been the heart and soul of Global Greengrants since our founding in 1993. Through this model, we shift decision-making power to advisory board networks and partner funds, so that activists with deep knowledge of their regional environmental context have the final say in which groups we fund. This shift in power is pivotal to creating a more sustainable and just world.

Building a Learning Organization
Throughout our history, our advisors have stressed the important role Global Greengrants can—and must—play in facilitating the exchange of information across our global network and with external allies. The relationships and connections Global Greengrants builds with movements through our grantmaking make us well-positioned to act as a bridge that shares learnings both within our advisory network and across funders and global changemakers. We see this as pivotal to contributing to movement and funder ecosystems, and to ensuring that we are continuously responsive to grassroots movements and their needs. This year, we deepened our commitment to learning as a key pillar of our programmatic and organizational work, and to our culture as a network. Our vision is to build an organization that is engaged in ongoing learning, as part of a decentralized ecosystem that is continually listening, sharing, and testing our assumptions.
In 2022, we began to set up an infrastructure to better incorporate learning into our day-to-day work. We also completed analysis and reflection for two of our grantmaking programs, the Next Generation Climate Board and our Women and Environment grantmaking. Sharing knowledge and data across our advisory network–like the learnings from our 2022 grantmaking analyses–helps us build and contribute to the interconnected currents of knowledge within and across movements.
Each year we fund more than 1,000 grassroots organizations across Africa, the Arctic, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and the Pacific Islands. Many of our grantees are advocating for their rights, for corporate accountability, and for changes to the unjust, unsustainable systems that govern our world. Many others are working to develop and implement solutions to environmental injustice at the local level. The following action areas define, in general terms, the types of environmental justice projects we fund: Climate Justice; Healthy Communities and Ecosystems; Local Livelihoods; Right to Land, Water, and Resources; Women’s Environmental Action; Right to Defend the Environment; Just Transition; Disability-Inclusive Climate Justice; and Resilience/Pandemic Recovery.
These are just a few of the many grantee partner efforts we supported in 2022:

Collaborating for Change: Our Philanthropic Ecosystem
Collaboration has the power to strengthen social movements. No one person, organization, or movement alone can create the systemic change needed to shift our social and environmental context. Moving beyond a scarcity mindset and towards abundance is crucial to ensure that resources flow to grassroots groups in the Global South. As funders, we choose to co-create a community of allied organizations committed to sharing resources, advocating, and collaborating for the sustainable, long-term support of environmental justice movements, because the climate crisis requires each one of us.
Our philanthropic partnerships take many forms, from fiscal sponsorships with the Agroecology Fund, the Environmental Defenders Collaborative, and The Iris Project, to working with regional partner funds like Fondo Tierra Viva in Central America, to participation in funder collaboratives like CLIMA, the Global Action on Disability (GLAD) Network, and Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN), to mobilizing philanthropic action at environmental conferences like COP27. Our partnerships are always centered on building collective knowledge about how to best respond to the needs of grassroots movements and promote our shared mission for a future in which all people live with dignity and in harmony with the environment.
These are a few highlights from our many collaborations and partnerships in 2022.

Image Credits (L to R): Colectivo Cívico Centro Poblado La Tortuga and Yow Ampoto of Friends of the Nation
Our Transformational Journey
The value of a journey lies in the learning, discovery, responsiveness, and ever-evolving opportunities that unfold along the way. Our transformational journey began in 2020, shortly after Laura García became CEO. It was spurred by a number of external and internal factors, including the urgency to redirect resources to the Global South amidst climate funding bottlenecks. This journey of transformation leads us towards our vision: In five years, Global Greengrants will have transformed our culture, structure and processes to better embrace our values. We will be a decentralized network that is strategic and learning. We will achieve greater impact by sharing resources, shifting philanthropy, and deepening collaboration in an intersectional ecosystem for the sustainable, long-term support of environmental justice movements. To achieve this vision we have put in place several processes, including:

Our feminist Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) practice, launched in 2018, is working to eliminate discrimination and create equal opportunities for all staff, enabling us to uphold justice and build an organization where all can thrive. To this end, we embarked on an ongoing journey of learning and unlearning via workshops, training, and staff sessions.
The Organizational Care Initiative (OCI), launched in 2020, is a staff-led process designed to strengthen individual and holistic care in alignment with working policies, practices, and organizational culture.

In early 2022, we embarked on our Strategic Journey. This ongoing learning and transformation process, as opposed to a static strategic plan, enables us to be more responsive, reflective, and strategic in shifting power and resources to grassroots organizations in the Global South.
Our Self-Organization process began in March 2022 to encourage collaboration and distributed decision-making power. By concentrating on our individual and collective ways of working, we can better facilitate and practice new collaborative competencies in preparation for a new organizational structure.

The People and Culture team and strategy has been designed to support us in building a feminist working culture that is more equitable, globally integrated, and centered on the collective care of our people. In September 2022, we hired a Director of People and Culture, Nuwan Rezel, to help us transform and grow into the organization we want to be in the world.
The Learning Agenda is our process that aims to build an organization and network that is engaged in ongoing learning, continually listening, sharing, and testing our assumptions. To read more, see our section on learning.

Our Ecosystem of Global Integration & Collaboration brings together like-minded organizations to share resources, advocate for change, and collaborate on long-term, sustainable, grassroots solutions. This year we began our US/UK office integration to better align resources, strategy and capacity, while also actively participating in funding collaboratives to influence the philanthropic ecosystem. Read more.

2022 Financial Overview
Total Grants Allocated in 2022
Total Assets
Total Expenses in 2022
Numbers labeled “overall” include Global Greengrants Fund UK, donor-advised funds (DAFs), regional partner funds, and our fiscal sponsorships, in addition to our general operations and grantmaking. UK data highlight the numbers within that overall umbrella that are specific to Global Greengrants UK.
For U.S. and European-based operations in fiscal year ended June 30, 2022.
For financials from
prior years, visit greengrants.org/financials.